International Bicycle Travel Forum
International Bicycle Travel Forum
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29523 Members
98528 Topics
1549575 Posts

During the last 12 months 2166 members have been active.The most activity so far was at 02.02.24 17:09 with 5102 users online.
Top Posters (30 Days)
veloträumer 91
iassu 71
Sickgirl 53
Nordisch 47
Keine Ahnung 44
Daily statistics
The daily statistics show the forum usage over a long period of time. Every day is plotted as a single bar. The height of the bar represents this day's activity. On the right side you will find the present day. The red line shows the 30-day average.
Statistics for 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years:

Total page impressions
The total number of requested forum pages.
Posts read
Number of read posts or topics (a topic consists of one or more posts).
Posts written
Number of new posts written.
24 hour statistics
The 24 hour statistics represents forum activity depending on the daytime. Every bar shows the average for the usual activity at this time of day. The accuracy is 10 minutes (that is, every bar represents a period of 10 minutes). The red line shows the average over the whole day.
Total page impressions
The average number of requested forum pages.
Posts read
The average number of read posts or topics (a topic consists of one or more posts).
Posts written
The average number of new posts written.